During an outing to Sea World the parents of one little boy noticed how their four-year-old son squealed each time the dolphins came up out of the water, did several flips, before disappearing back into the water.
They weren’t surprised by his reaction since he loved dolphins so much. What surprised them was his reaction when they disappeared and didn’t resurface for several minutes. Little Josha continued clapping and saying encouraging words to the dolphins. Out of curiosity his mother asked, “Honey why are you still clapping for the dolphins when they go down into the water?”
Little Joshua said calmly, “Mommy, I want them to know I love them. I can’t see them, but I know they are there.”
Who was it that said, “Out of the mouths of babes there is wisdom!”
Little Joshua had it right. He may have been only four years old, but he was very astute. He might not have been able to see the dolphins, but he knew they hadn’t gone far. They were merely swimming around below the surface.
The physical absence of our loved one who has died is hard to get used to. Even if they were sick and hospitalized before dying, we could still see them when we visited. But once they are no longer visible it’s as if there is a hole in our soul. Our world is not the same.
Jesus recognized that his departure after He ascended into heaven would be difficult for his friends and ministry partners. After all, they had been together day and night for three years. He explained about the coming of the Holy Spirit who would be a lifelong companion and friend. Having the Spirit of God was like having Jesus. They wouldn’t be able to see Him, but He would make His presence known and felt.
When our loved ones die in the Lord, they are alive. For the believer: we are born on earth. When we die our physical death life on earth is over, but we are living in heaven. Like Jesus, our loved ones have gone into heaven. Their life on earth has ended. We may live in one world and they in another, but they are very much alive.
Because our sight is limited to the things we can see on earth we can’t see them in their present state with our physical eyes for now, but like little Joshua, we can be at peace knowing at times they’ll make their aliveness known, even if only through a tug on our heart or memory in our mind. True, we may not be able to see them right now, but one day we will.
Grief Walk
On days you are especially missing your loved one take a walk and spend some time talking with your loved one, expressing how much you miss them and miss seeing them. Release your prayerful conversation into the atmosphere knowing they are alive and still with you.
A prayer we can pray when we are missing our loved one
Lord, you’ve separated life on earth and life in heaven. Even though we can’t see our departed loved ones with our physical eyes we know they are alive, and we will see them again because one day we will be like them and where they are. Until that time when we come face to face, may we be comforted by this truth. Make us spiritually intuitive on those occasions they have come close.