Dear God,
may the measure of your eternal love be the measure of your mercy.
And may the measure of your mercy be sufficient to blot out my great sins and cancel out the guilt of my wrongdoings.
I have failed, O Lord, and my failures.
Weigh heavily upon my heart.
I cannot share them all with my brothers or sisters.
lest they weigh too heavily upon them
Or even threaten our relationship.
But you know what they are, O God, and how far I have fallen short
Of your standards and expectations.
I am only human, Lord.
It was not by my choice that I was propelled into this fractured world.
The weaknesses that plague me are not all my doing
Nor can I handle them by my strength alone.
I know they cannot be hidden from you.
I can only acknowledge my indictment and beg for your loving forgiveness.
Purge me of my guilt, O Lord.
Heal the hurts of those who have been afflicted buy my failures.
Revive my flagging spirit, O God.
Restore to me the joy and assurance of a right relationship with you.
Reinstate me in your purposes.
And help me avoid the snares and pitfalls along this earthly path—Psalm 51:1-13
(Psalms Now, Leslie Brandt)
For Insight
We might be surprised how praying the Scriptures before God can cleanse our heart and bring relief to our troubled mind. God will always hear our prayers and when we use the Word of God we know our prayers are in line with his will for us.
Praying David’s prayer of confession can bring needed relief and peace if we are holding onto any unconfessed sin.
When we ask forgiveness for any sin God is faithful and just to forgive our sin and gives us the assurance of a right relationship with him. When we confess our sin before God the enemy cannot accuse us nor keep us in fear because we know God’s love is greater than our sin, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross covers our sin and we are freed from our sin. This is God’s love and grace in action.