1). David began Psalm 138 by praising God. How would David have sung the praises of God “before the gods?” How do you sing the praises of God before the gods of this world and in a modern age? Be as specific as you can.
2). It’s easy to see that David’s Psalm is about praise but what other themes stand out?
3). Today most don’t take David’s statement that he would “bow down toward God’s holy temple” literally. What are other ways we might bow down toward God’s holy temple in order to praise His name?”
4). David says as soon as he prays God’s answers him. Could it be that David believed the promises of God to answer prayer so strongly that he knew in his heart it was so? How does this contrast or conflict with our beliefs about answered prayer?
5). What would change in your prayer life and what you do once you say “Amen” if you believed God answered prayer immediately?
6). The Lord gave David boldness to confront his enemies. For what causes do believers today need boldness? For what do you need boldness?
7). How does God increase our strength?
8). How has God increased your strength and what was the occasion or need?
9). Since, not all nations have “kings” today, what does it mean when David says “may all the kings of the earth praise you, LORD”?
10). Where should we sing God’s praises. In front of believers in the church or in front of unbelievers out in the world? Explain your answer.
11). Is it prideful for God to exalt His own name? Why or why not?
12). What does it mean to “give thanks with your whole heart?”
13). It’s easy to praise God for His “greatness” when we measure God’s greatness by His goodness toward us or when He answers our prayers or causes things to go our way, but there are other ways God shows His greatness. How?
14). David states, “Though the LORD is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly; those lofty, He sees them from afar” Why does God draw near to the humble but distances himself from the prideful?
15). Be honest. Where is pride a problem in your life? How does your pride keep God at s distance?
16). How does Daivd contrast God’s care for people in verse 6? How have you seen this take place today?
17). How has God preserved your life in the midst of trouble?
18). How has Gid stretched out His right hand to save you?
19). What does vindication mean?
20). Why do you need to be vindicated?
21). How will God vindicate you?
22). What does it mean to you that God will not abandon the works of His hands?
23). Even when we falter in our faith and trust, does that keep God from loving or restoring us?
24). Share a testimony of something that you are thankful for.