1). Three times in verse 1, David says “ascribe”. The definition of ascribe is, “to attribute as a quality, believe that a particular quality or feature belongs to or is typical of someone or something; to credit or assign.”
2). What instructions does David give about ascribing in verses 1 and 2?
3). We know what the definition of ascribing means, how can incorporate the practice of ascribing glory to God into our daily lives?
4). Make a list of the ways David describes the voice of the Lord in Psalm 29. Discuss each one.
5). What significance does this have for understanding the nature and power of God?
6). In many passages in the Bible God is described as a shepherd, a father, etc how does Psalm differ?
7). Reflect on a time when you experienced God’s power in your life. What was going on at the time? How did it affect your understanding of God?
7). In the Old Testament God chose many to hear His voice. Today, God speaks to us differently. In modern times where do we see or hear the ‘voice of God’ as described in Psalm 29?
8). As You read Psalm 29, how does it enhance your understanding of the divine-human relationship and in what ways can God’s promise of strength be manifested in personal experiences?
9). How does Psalm 29 emphasize the importance of worshiping God in “the beauty of holiness?”
10). How might the call to worship in Psalm 29 influence a believer’s approach to public or community worship?
11). How would you apply imagery of God’s voice in nature to our contemporary environmental concerns?
12). What emotions does David’s description of God’s power stir up within you?
13). In the beginning of Psalm 29 David calls upon the heavenly beings to worship God. How does this relate to our call to worship?
14). In what ways can Psalm 29 help us talk to others about worship?
15). Discuss the importance of acknowledging God’s sovereign rule over the universe as presented in Psalm 29.
16). How can the themes of Psalm 29 be used to inspire others in their faith journey?
17). How does Psalm 29 help shape your understanding of the relationship between God and nature?
18). How can Psalm 29 inspire a deeper commitment to trust God during life’s challenges?
19). Are you comforted by how David ends Psalm 29? What feelings or thoughts come to mind as you read verse 10?
20). Final consideration: if the voice of the Lord is powerful enough to shake the earth which He created what else is it powerful enough to do in your life, in the lives of others in the world and universe He created?
21). What kinds of feelings and thoughts does this evoke?
22). How does the promise of God’s peace in verse 11 provide comfort during turbulent times in our lives?